After an abortion, Regina suffered from crippling depression for nine years ending her marriage, derailing her career ambitions and leading her to the brink of suicide. Her life was saved by a stunning revelation by her four-year-old daughter, Amanda. Amanda (who never knew her mother had had an abortion) was having a series of recurring dreams about meeting an eight-year-old brother in heaven. These dreams had a powerful impact on Regina, inspiring her to seek out spiritually-based, post-abortive counseling and volunteer at a pregnancy resource center. Eventually, she became the Director of the National Memorial of the Unborn – a memorial to children lost to abortion and miscarriage in Chattanooga built on the site of a former abortion mill.
Total Donations: 9/23/24 ---PayPal: $665 --- Direct by check: $57,586 ---- GiveSendGo $13,168 --- Venmo: $1024 --- TOTAL: $72,443

If you prefer to send a check, please make it out to
He Named Him Adam LLC
and mail to:
816 Ferrymans Way Chattanooga, TN 37419

We shot 12 scenes for our trailer the week of June 3, 2024. Here’s a sneak peak.
Regina's been having health problems. Dr. Cunningham wants to do a biopsy but can't because Regina's pregnant.
Regina's law school is next to the abortion clinic and her grades suffer as she deals with her post-abortion depression.
Four years later, Regina again suffers from severe cramping. She visits Dr. Cunningham and discovers a big surprise.
Four years later: Amanda for the first time reveals she's been having dreams about her brother in heaven.
Regina confesses to best friend Raynell that she had an abortion eight years ago.
John Solomon & Amanda Head interview of Marc & Veronica on their national TV news show, No Noise.
The interview starts at 30:50.
Interview with Salem's Eric Metaxas at the NRB Convention:
skip to 13:28
Interview with Mike Gilland at the NRB Convention:
Justine Brooke Murray interviews Marc & Veronica on the MRC TV channel for the Media Research Center.
Janet Morana, Executive Director of Priests for Life,
interviews Marc on July 31, 2024
Ann & Phelim Scoop podcast interview of Marc & Veronica here:
Cheryl Chumley, Online Opinion Editor, interviews Marc & Veronica for the Washington Times.
Update on our trip to DC for the March for Life
GiveSendGo podcast interview here:
Indie Thinker podcast interview here:
Jim Wogan podcast interview here:
A newspaper article
We need your help to tell this important story
We’re Crunch Entertainment, an independent film production company. ​Our goal is to make powerful, highly entertaining films that present an alternative view to Hollywood’s.
Our last project, FATHER RYAN: A HIGHER CALL, was an inspirational docu-drama that garnered festival award nominations and recently premiered to an estimated audience of 13 million on the Eternal World Television Network (EWTN) and will soon be available for streaming on the FORMED Network.
Millions of women who’ve had abortions wonder about their lost babies, or even come to regret their abortions. Sometimes decades later. Until we can convince these women that there’s a path to peace and reconciliation through God, they will continue to uphold and defend their actions, supporting abortion. Regina found that path, and telling her story can inspire others to follow in her footsteps. This is why we’re making this film.
If you want to help us change hearts and minds, please donate. Any donation of $5 or more is welcome.
Even a donation as little as $10 will help because it will demonstrate to the public that there is a large market hungry for this kind of content. Please, click on the DONATE button. Help us make a difference.

Fantastic News! We now have a distribution deal with Angel Studios, distributors of faith-friendly movies like Sound of Freedom, Cabrini, and Homestead. Using your kind donations, we shot several scenes from the screenplay and edited an 8-minute “tease” (trailer) for Angel’s voting process which is used to determine which films get distributed. A passing Angel Guild score for streaming is 70, and for theatrical release consideration, 85. Our tease received an overwhelming approval score of 93. As a result, we now have a distribution deal with Angel Studios, contingent on the finished film passing the Guild with a score over 85. Considering that we shot our Angel 'Torch' in two days on a shoestring budget with a skeleton crew, we are confident we will achieve a high score.
Angel will be investing up to $5,000,000 for advertising and other distribution costs and, in addition, state tax incentives will be kicking in $900,000 to attract production to their state. Our task now is to raise the remaining money for film production ($3.5M). To do this, we are offering 350 shares at $10,000 each to those interested in profit-sharing ownership.
The "Investor only" link will take you to the investor page. But first, you'll need a password. You can request one from Marc Aramian, Producer, at 310-729-2222 or Or, if you know someone who is interested in investing in this movie with a potential for profit, please refer them to us. We will be happy to provide them with full details about our deal with Angel Studios.
Again, thank you for all your support and trusting us to tell this life-changing story.
God bless,
Marc Aramian & Veronica DiPippo